Our Research & Business Development Project
Freyzein was born out of a response from the dramatic overuse of petrochemical fabrics & clothing that are polluting nature from the mountains to the oceans. Let´s disrupt petroleum-based synthetics. We give superpowers to our radically natural innovation: The first intrinsically hydrophobic cellulosic fabrics!

THE PROJECT: Academic Start Up Acceleration Program

Freyzein first step into the academic world of Start-UP Acceleration. The Gründungsgarage is the leading supporter of startups of students and researchers with founding ambitions in the pre-founding phase in Austria We created our very first prototype in this program.
The program is supported by the University Graz and the Technical University Graz.

THE PROJECT: EIT Climate-KIC Start- Up Acceleration

Member of BATCH 1 & BATCH 2
EIT CLIMATE-KIC: Climate-KIC is Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership focused on climate innovation to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
EIT Climate-KIC believes that a decarbonised, sustainable economy is not only necessary to prevent catastrophic climate change, but presents a wealth of opportunities for business and society.
Our vision is a prosperous, inclusive, climate resilient society with a circular, net-zero emissions economy by 2050.

THE PROJECT: Fusion of cutting-edge technologies and innovation into the Fashion and Design Industries.

The project is founded by leading European academic institutions in Fashion and Design, accelerators and incubators, Business Support Organisations, Trade Associations and Financiers. Powered by these cross-sector, international
partnerships, DeFINE fosters the building of a pan-European Fashion-Tech network.

THE PROJECT: Sustainable Circular Outdoor Material

THE PARTNER: EURECAT Spain – Functional Textile Unit
FreyZein creates Outerwear – radically natural. Our developed innovative fabric is BiCircular™. It can be reused or it will decompose. Our nature-inspired fabric is water-repellent and breathable.

THE PROJECT: AWS Creative Impact XS

Freyzein manufactures clothing & textile products for the outdoor & sports sector. Our products are durable, repairable, timeless and end up being recycled into new products. We manufacture our products in a way that is consistent with the principles of the circular economy that provides economic, social and environmental benefits. Wearing our brand Freyzein will thus stand for a smart, environmentally & fashion-conscious generation in a few years time.

THE PROJECT: C-Voucher Circular Value Replicaton Program

This 3 months program aims at Adopter SMEs willing to incorporate or get inspired by the Circularity Solutions developed. It offers designers in residence professional services to define their own road map and incorporate those solutions in their processes (Feasibility Plan).

THE PROJECT: AWS Creative Impact - Reach Market Maturity

FreyZein develops unique urban-outdoor products, combining technological innovations in material technology with circular product design. Innovative products developed using creativity techniques are brought to market using, among other things, a novel bi-circular material technology currently under development. An innovative circular business model is built in terms of the Tripple Bottom Line & we consider the entire product cycle, realizing a holistic & system-oriented design perspective that reduces negative impacts and maximizes positive economic, environmental & social impacts.

Member of the high-tech incubator in Graz / Austria

Driven by a passion for innovation, the Science Park have been supporting emerging entrepreneurs for more than 18 years. A powerful support structure and the expertise and experience of a dedicated team are the foundations upon which, to date, we have helped over 150 high-tech projects evolve into flourishing companies. And our mission continues: Empowering dreamers to become doers, so visionary ideas can transform into successful businesses.

THE PROJECT: Microfiber Innovation Challenge

Semi-Finalist of the Microfiber Innovation Challenge
We’re calling on everyone. We need scientists, engineers, marketers, biologists, makers, artists, and everyone else who cares about our planet’s future to use their unique skills to help us solve the microfiber challenge.

We are a member of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Network

The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is an international charity that develops and promotes the circular economy in order to tackle some of the biggest challenges of our time, such as climate change, biodiversity loss, waste, and pollution.
Increasingly based on renewable energy, a circular economy is driven by design to eliminate waste, circulate products and materials, and regenerate nature, to create resilience and prosperity for business, the environment, and society.

Member of the living laboratory for thecircular economy from tomorrow.
Circular Futures is thus a real laboratory for solutionsto social challenges. The basis is the close involvementof partners from industry, the public sector, civilsociety and science. The transformation towards acircular economy can only succeed in the long term ifall groups of actors are involved in the developmentof the solution

SCIRT: System Circularity andInnovative Recycling of Textiles
Freyzein is a user board member of the SCIRT Project
SCIRT is a unique collaboration between industry andresearch, involving the entire textiles value chain,contributing to the transition to a circular fashionsystem.
SCIRT’s goal is to bring about technologicalinnovation in textile-to-textile recycling to cut the wasteand make the fashion industry more circular.

Member One Percent for the Planet

1% for the Planet was founded to preventgreenwashing, certify reputable giving andprovide accountability.
Putting people and the planet over profit. 1% for the Planet represents a global network ofbusinesses, individuals and nonprofitorganizations tackling our planet’s most pressingenvironmental issues.

Protect our Winters Supporting Member
Protect Our Winters Austria moves the mountainsports community in the fight against climatechange and for responsible use of our mountainenvironment. We are a community of athletes,scientists, creatives and companies who protectthe places we love in exchange with politics!
Our goal is to strengthen the outdoorcommunity’s commitment to climate protectionthrough positive communication and awareness-raising, as well as by bringing socio-politicalconcerns to the table.